Mellon Foundation New Directions Fellowships


Mellon Foundation

Sponsor deadline:

Internal deadline:

Award Details

New Directions Fellowships assist faculty members in the humanities and humanistic social sciences who seek to acquire systematic training outside their own areas of special interest. The program is intended for scholars in the humanities to work on problems that interest them most, at an appropriately advanced level of study. In addition to facilitating the work of individual faculty members, these awards should benefit scholarship in the humanities more generally by encouraging the highest standards in cross-disciplinary research.

Awarded fellows receive: 

  1. The equivalent of one academic year's salary,
  2. Two summers of additional support, each at the equivalent two-ninths of the previous academic year salary, and
  3. Tuition or course fees or equivalent direct costs associated with the fellows' training programs. 

Candidates must have received their doctorates between 2011 and 2017.

UBC is limited to one nominee, so VPRI will coordinate an internal selection process. Heads or their representatives submit ONE nominee per Faculty, including:
1.       Nominee’s name
2.       300-word project summary
3.       UBC CV

Please submit files to Stephanie O’Neill (, Award Nomination Officer, by September 25th, 2023.

A central committee will review files and select the institution’s nomination for submission. The selected candidate will be notified no later than October 4th and will have support in finalizing their nomination package, which includes a 200-word project summary, 2,000-word proposal, a budget and budget description, a letter of recommendation from the candidate's department chair or other senior colleague, and a 5-page CV. An additional letter of recommendation may be submitted from a colleague in the new field, if appropriate.

The sponsor deadline is November 3, 2023.


Previous Award Winners


  • Pasang Yangjee Sherpa (Asian Studies / Institute for Critical Indigenous Studies)

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