Jacob Biely Faculty Research Prize


UBC VP Research

Sponsor deadline:

Award Details

The Jacob Biely Faculty Research Prize was established in 1969 and is regarded as UBC’s premier award for research across all disciplines.

The award is named after eminent researcher and professor Jacob Biely, who joined UBC Faculty on a full-time basis in 1935 as an Instructor in the Department of Poultry Science. He was appointed a full professor in 1950, and two years later was named Head of his Department, a position that he held until his retirement in 1968.

The prize, comprised of $3,000 and a certificate, is awarded annually to a full-time tenure-stream UBC faculty member in recognition of a distinguished record of research that has contributed substantially to UBC’s stature as a leading research institution.  

Jump to Nomination Package details


Nominees must be:

  • A full-time tenure-stream faculty member at UBC.
  • Established faculty members (faculty members who have held their final degree for 12 years or more as of the closing date for nominations). All fields of research are eligible.

Terms of the Award

  • One Jacob Biely Faculty Research Prize will be available each year.
  • The total value is $3,000, given to the recipient as an honorarium.

Selection Criteria

Nominations will be evaluated against the following three criteria:

  1. Distinguished record of research relative to peers across disciplines.
  2. Evidence of substantial contributions to UBC’s stature as a leading research institution.
  3. Demonstrated research impact, accounting for context of the discipline or field of study.


  • Self-nominations will not be accepted.
  • Faculty members must be nominated by at least one tenured, tenure-track, or emeriti faculty member in their Faculty.
  • Nominators must complete and submit all documentation.

Note: The Dean's office should be informed of the intention to submit a nomination and the name of the proposed nominee in order to avoid duplicate nominations. (Dean's signature not required.)

Nomination Package

Nominators must submit all required materials by the November 15 (11:59 pm) deadline using this nomination form.

Nomination form fields include:

  • Nominator information: Name, faculty, department, email address
  • Nominee information: Name, position, faculty and department, year started at UBC, year of PhD/terminal degree, email address
  • Citation (50 words): Please include a brief 50-word citation of the nominee's research written for a non-expert audience.

Documents required:

  1. Nomination letter (1,200 words): A letter of nomination signed by at least one faculty nominator, including the name, title, and affiliation of each nominator. The letter should:
    • Frame the achievements of the nominee for a non-specialist, multidisciplinary, university-wide committee. It should set the subject matter and the contribution of the research in perspective.
    • Illustrate how the nominee has had an impact in their field.
    • Explain how the nominee meets the award criteria and why they should be selected to receive the award.
  2. Letters of Support (3): Three external letters of support from arm's-length referees. Recommended 1,200 words max per letter.​
    • The letters of support are critical to the selection process and should be objective assessments of the nominee’s suitability for the prize.
    • Referees should be external to UBC and internationally recognized in their field (i.e. outside of UBC and preferably one from outside Canada).
    • Referees must be at arm’s length and may not include thesis or dissertation supervisor(s), anyone the nominee has supervised, or anyone with whom the nominee has collaborated (as co-author or co-investigator) within the past 6 years.
    • Letters written by referees with a confirmed conflict of interest with the nominee will not be included and the package will be considered incomplete. Incomplete packages will not be reviewed.
    • Letters must be signed and dated.
    • Letters in excess of three will not be considered.
  3. CV: Official updated UBC CV including complete list of publications (no page limit)


Please review the FAQs, and contact research.prizes@ubc.ca.

Previous Award Winners


  • Andrea Damascelli (Physics & Astronomy)


  • Mark Halpern (Physics & Astronomy) 


  • Nemkumar Banthia (Civil Engineering)


  • Sandra Robinson (Sauder School of Business)

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