Canadian Association of Physicists Medals and Awards


Canadian Association of Physicists

Sponsor deadline:

Award Details

Each year the CAP recognizes excellence in Research, Teaching, and Service in physics within Canada. The research-focused awards include:

1. CAP Medal for Lifetime Achievement in Physics (awarded annually)
Awarded on the basis of: significant contributions to physics over an extended period of time, and/or; recent significant achievement.

2. CAP Herzberg Medal (awarded annually)
This medal is to recognize significant contributions in any field of research by a Canadian physicist who has successfully defended their doctoral thesis within the last 12 years.

3. CAP-CRM Prize in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics (awarded annually) 
The objective of this award is to recognize research excellence in the fields of theoretical and mathematical physics.

4. CAP/DCMMP Brockhouse Medal (awarded annually)
The purpose of this award is to recognize and encourage significant experimental or theoretical contributions to condensed matter and materials physics.

5. CAP-TRIUMF Vogt Medal in Subatomic Physics (awarded annually)
The purpose of this award is to recognize and encourage outstanding experimental or theoretical contributions to subatomic physics.

6. CAP Medal for Outstanding Achievement in Industrial and Applied Physics (awarded on odd years)
This medal is intended to recognize and promote the creativity of scientists working in Canada in the area of industrial and applied physics, and to particularly recognize the successful application of physical principles to the creation of practical innovations, as demonstrated (for example) by novel/commercializable products or processes, and/or patents.

Previous Award Winners


  • Doug Bryman, Vogt Medal (Physics & Astronomy)


    Marcel Franz, Brockhouse Medal (Physics & Astronomy)

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