International Balzan Prize Foundation
Sponsor deadline:
Award Details
The 2025 Balzan Prizes will be awarded in the following fields:
- Classics: Athenian Democracy Revisited
- History of Contemporary Art
- Atoms and Ultra-Precise Measurement of Time
- Gene and Gene-Modified Cell Therapy
The Balzan Prize’s aim is to foster culture, the sciences and the most meritorious initiatives in the cause of humanity, peace and fraternity among peoples throughout the world.
Nominations are by invitation.
The Prizes are awarded in the subject areas:
- literature, moral sciences, and the arts;
- physical, mathematical and natural sciences and medicine;
- humanities, peace and fraternity among peoples.
The four subject areas, two in literature, the moral sciences and the arts, and two in the physical, mathematical and natural sciences and medicine, change every year. No more than four prizes may be awarded in any one year.
As stipulated in the Articles of the Foundation, the frequency of the special Prize for Humanity, Peace and Fraternity among Peoples is normally at intervals of no less than three years.